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Baby Crawl Poster with Sponsor Logos.jpg

Gateway Mall


Saturday, April 29, 2017

12:00 Noon

Registration Begins at: 11:00am - 11:30 am

Race Begins at 12:00 Noon

Please read the rules and regulations pages, print them off and keep them for your reference.

This year we are pleased to partner with Family Futures, Inc. They will be on hand to volunteer their time to register your little crawler, as well as participate as the event judges!

There is no registration fee for this event, but we ask that you bring along a donation of baby items such as diapers, formula, gently used clothing or a cash donation as a way of supporting this organization as they assist parents, guardians and the children.

Email your registration form with ALL the required information  to or drop it off at the Gateway Mall Administration Office.

Registrations will end at 11:30 am to allow time to get organized for the preliminary races. Late entries will not be entered into competition.




To print this registration form, please right click on form and choose "Print Picture"